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WebOS Mojo Development => Mojo Newbies => Topic started by: Ken Young on February 08, 2009, 10:28:45 PM

Title: Introductions
Post by: Ken Young on February 08, 2009, 10:28:45 PM
Whether you're planning on becoming a household name in webOS circles or just interested to dabbling in your spare time, introduce yourself to the www.webOShelp.net community here!

I've already written a short bio which you can find here (https://www.weboshelp.net/ken-young).  Feel free to upstage my list of Palm devices with your own, more impressive list of Palm devices.  :P

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Andrew on February 18, 2009, 09:40:47 AM
It's great to be a part of this site, and this is a great home for webOS developers to share ideas and catch up on news in the community!

I've written a short bio here (https://www.weboshelp.net/component/content/article/39-bios/128-andrew-young).

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: james on March 02, 2009, 02:07:48 PM
This is the only site of its kind I've found out her. I'm sure I'll be back here often once the SDK comes at. Thanks for all the hard work.

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ken Young on March 02, 2009, 09:49:06 PM
This is the only site of its kind I've found out her. I'm sure I'll be back here often once the SDK comes at. Thanks for all the hard work.
Awesome!  Always feels good to know we're appreciated.  :)

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: RandiRS4 on March 05, 2009, 05:53:16 PM
I agree, once the SDK hits then all the palm developers will need to go somewhere for help. So many iphone developers are getting rich off apps these days  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: davidm on March 06, 2009, 10:57:37 AM
Pretty good stuff so far, looking forward to more tutorials!

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: SeanBlader on March 12, 2009, 09:17:06 PM
I'll be around. I'm from San Jose, so I'll likely be in line at the Palm corporate store for my Pre when they're released. And I'm already working on an Alarm Clock application that will hopefully have all the time type of features that my N95 lacks. I have like 3 more scenes and assistants to write, which is really surprising to me at how challenging a stupid alarm clock has been. I'm thinking like 11 scenes total.

And then at some point I gotta figure out what happens when the user rotates the screen, that will really mess up the layout.

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: steinbej on March 20, 2009, 11:17:55 AM
Hi, my name is Josh.  I got into the hobby of Palm medical software development about a year ago.  I'm a full-time (and then some) small town family doctor.  I'm a longtime Palm user, indispensable to many physicians. 

I am willing to give app development a try in webOS, but ... I am not willing to learn programming.  I know, I know, seems demanding of me, but I already have a full-time job, you know.  I wrote very simple useful apps for Palm OS (all freeware).  I would like to adapt my projects and do more for webOS but only if I can build simple software with a "construction kit", not with lots of code.  I haven't written code since procedure-oriented programming back in the 1980's (Pascal), none since.  I used PDA Toolbox to do the few app projects that I produced, and that's what I mean by a "construction kit".  I'd like to know whether standard web page development software could help me produce my simple products which are mainly about information presentation with little or no behind the scenes functionality or data manipulation.

If you are wondering, "what is this guy talking about?", search on my last name "steinberg" at freewarepalm.com to see my simple software projects.  Acid-Base, Pneumonia, and PreOp Eval are great examples of my functional, useful, simple efforts.

I suspect my questions are premature.  Hard to ask about how to make software when the OS, the devices, and the SDK don't even exist yet in the wild.  But it doesn't hurt to ask, eh?

-- Josh

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: james on March 20, 2009, 12:05:55 PM

Hey not a premature question at all. I suspect you could use any HTML editor you wanted to build your index.html file, then you could copy paste the generated code into Mojo, tho you probably want to make sure you get one that uses css. It's allready been mentioned that Eclipse with the Aptana Studio could be supported at the SDK launch. Besides that the coding could be really simple if you didn't need a lot of functionality... if your looking for easy programming WebOS could be just what your looking for. I'm a c++ programer with barely any web background. But hey, i'll give it a shot too.

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: SeanBlader on March 20, 2009, 08:43:03 PM
James you want to watch the video's in my sigfile. Douglas Crockford is a javascript genius and it would appear to me that he's been programming code since before C existed.

And Josh, if you can layout HTML, and use a LITTLE Javascript for events and stuff you could probably get by using Mojo. Some of the stuff in the video's will be a little complex, but if you watch the basic series, that will help you out a little bit. And you should probably watch the DOM series too.

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: james on March 21, 2009, 09:00:46 AM
I've actually tried to look at those videos in your signature before. Maybe it's just me, but i cant seem to get the links to work.

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: SeanBlader on March 21, 2009, 06:42:50 PM
Fixed, the forum software here decided to add https://" to the beginning of my URL's. Sorry I didn't catch it earlier.

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: sachapman on March 31, 2009, 05:12:34 PM
Josh: I'll second the thought that WebOS, from what I've seen/heard so far, shouldn't be a big barrier.  HTML & Javascript (at least at it's basic level, and you can do quite a lot pretty quickly) are pretty easy.  Granted, I've been programming a long time, but my day job involves mainframes, so it's not like I get to sit around all day and play with HTML & JS.  Well at least not most days--I do do some reporting stuff on occassion that leverages HTML, JS, and XML.  (Yes, mainframes and AJAX type applications get along just fine.)

But the ease of HTML/JS is part of the beauty of this whole WebOS idea--it appears that it should be very easy for almost anybody to get started with.  And while they may not be there day one, I'm guessing that it shouldn't take too long for somebody to come up with a no-programming required type of toolkit. 

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Atif on May 17, 2009, 06:50:23 PM
Awesome!  Always feels good to know we're appreciated.  :)

I'll second what James said...just found this site and it looks great!  I'm going to try to get more up to speed on Java script before the SDK comes out!

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: ColonelKernel on June 30, 2009, 05:43:59 PM
Ah, thank you very much for also having a kiddie pool for newbies to play in. I'll be using this forum a lot, I suspect.

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: d94 on July 14, 2009, 09:38:47 AM
ahh wish i noticed this before a started a thread but oh well :P

this must be the first time in my life that im genuinly interested in programming
being 22, a palm pre owner, a tech for sprint, managing a service and repair center, and a hardware junkie its about time i get into the software game
my dad's been a programmer for for for over 15 years, but iv never cared before as iv been all about building computers till now
also being in touch with a particular dev at precentral I've been enticed to start pursuing this new passion

i look forward to learning much from this forum and getting my start in developing apps!

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: falcon on July 28, 2009, 07:41:09 PM
Hi everyone.

This will be my first time programming for a mobile device, but I'm looking forward to it.  I think this will be a great learning experience.

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: petehild on November 08, 2009, 05:03:36 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm a computer engineer developing hardware for a living. Writing SW for my Pre is a nice change for a hobby :)


Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: ShmungerWOS on December 17, 2010, 01:55:12 PM
My name is Shulem Unger. I'm a very quick learner and always loved tech, although I've never learned code.
There are some simple custom apps that i would like for my Palm Pre Plus and therefore I started looking at developing with Ares.

well.... I'm still having a hard time. To think, the possibilities I can have with just a few lines of java... :)
But I gotta learn some of it first. (Don't even need to learn all of code, as I'm doing it with Ares. I just need to learn how to make a fully functional app.

and so far,
that's my bio