Back in February, Palm CTO Mitch Allen hosted the first webOS developer webcast, titled "Developing Applications for webOS: A Preview" (see a summary and video of the event). During the webcast, he went over the material in the first chapter of the upcoming Palm webOS book, including Stages, Scenes, UI Widgets, and more, and answered questions from developers during the Q&A period.
Today, Christian Sepulveda, VP of Business Development for Pivotal Labs, hosted a webcast today on Test / Behavior Driven Development (TDD/BDD) through Jasmine, a BDD framework for JavaScript. He was joined by Davis Frank, one of the developers at Pivotal Labs who has been working with the Pockets and Jasmine framework of their webOS apps. Over the course of the hour, he gave a brief intro to unit testing, an overview of Pockets and Jasmine, and unit testing in action.
Watch the full 55-minute webcast (in code-readable HD!)
For those unfamiliar, Jasmine is a unit test framework for JavaScript (not exclusive to webOS), but doesn't require a DOM. Pockets is a set of tools and libraries to facilitate webOS development, including a GUI test runner for webOS Jasmine testing. They have been using Pockets internally and for the pre-release SDK, and is set for a wider launch later this summer. Sepulveda then breifly described testing concepts and the difference between tests and specs.
For the demo, Sepulveda walked us through the code for testing a very basic Twitter app, used to search friends. Fast forward to 7:40 to get right to the demo. Those with basic knowledge of JavaScript, webOS and unit testing should find the webcast quite insightful. You can watch the full HD webcast above. After viewing the demo, how do you feel about the potential for unit testing in webOS, and if you're in the Early Access Program, have you had the opportunity to check out Pockets?
Screenshots from various stages of the testing process are below:

Full summary of the webcast Q&A after the break!