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Home Resources API Reference Mojo.Drag.startDragging(sceneController, element, startEvent, options)

Mojo.Drag.startDragging(sceneController, element, startEvent, options)

Function used to start dragging an element. Called when a hold event occurs (for elements dragged on push-and-hold) or on mousedown or dragStart.  Returns an active "dragger" object when the user's finger is down and before the dragStart event actually occurs.

The dragger sets the scene up for dragging, preventing the drag from causing the scene to be scrolled. Both dragEnd and tap events cause the drag operation to end, since dragStart and dragEnd events cannot occur if there are no mousemove events. This sort of "aborted" drag operations are treated like any other, and will still cause the appropriate enter & drop methods to be called on the container.

Parameters Type Description
sceneController String Controller for the scene containing the element to be dragged
element String DOM element ID to begin dragging
startEvent Event User event that began the drag.
options Object Additional drag options.  See below.

options object properties:

Property Type Description
draggingClass String CSS class to apply to the dragged element during dragging.  Removed when dragging ends.
preventVertical Boolean True prevents dragging in the vertical direction.  Default is False.
preventHorizontal Boolean True prevents dragging in the horizontal direction.  Default is False.
allowExit Boolean True allows the element to be dragged into containers other than its own. Default is False.
preventDropReset Boolean True prevents the object from returning to its original position when dropped.  To return the object to its original position with this option enabled, call resetElement() on  dragger.
datatype String The dragged element can only be dropped on containers specifying the same datatype.
autoscroll Boolean True to automatically scroll the scene when the dragged element(s) reach the edge of the visible area.
maxHorizontalPixel Integer Maximum horizontal position the object can be dragged to (in pixels)
minHorizontalPixel Integer Minimum horizontal position in pixels the object can be dragged to (in pixels)
maxVerticalPixel Integer Maximum vertical position the object can be dragged to (in pixels)
minVerticalPixel Integer Minimum vertical position the object can be dragged to (in pixels)


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