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Home Article Listing Palm Pre screenshot tutorial; New Sprint commercial

Palm Pre screenshot tutorial; New Sprint commercial

For those wondering how to capture screenshots on the Pre, MobileCrunch has the 1-step tutorial. Simply hold the Orange, Sym, and P keys and you have yourself an instant screenshot!

This could come in quite handy when e-mailing friends or coworkers using the synergy feature, whether to show them what you're up to, or just for bragging rights. Used with the camera and a photo editing app or one that adds fun effects to photos (of which the iPhone has no shortage), this feature could open up a lot of possibilities.

Also, Sprint is continuing to push the Pre marketing campaign with a new commercial. It is styled similarly to their first commercial to feature the Pre, continuing an upbeat, tech-centric feel. Pandora, who are one of the Pre launch partners gets a plug, with the commercial depicting thousands "streaming Pandora on a bus". Worth a look.



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