Palm's app catalog is continuing to grow at a rapid pace, with the total number of apps now passing 255. Precentral reports on the latest apps, noting that many were homebrew now finding a place in the App Catalog. So good job to those with apps moving up to the big leagues!
- YDice: Yahtzee clone - Free (ScSoft)
- The Tip Calculator: $1 (
- Mezzoman Free: Free version (Marc Zider)
- Cow Can: Makes your Pre say "Moo" when you tip it - $0.99 (Ken Torimaru)
- Knot Guide: Go back to boy scouts and perfect your knots - $2.99 (WinkPass Creations)
- Absolute Fitness: Nutrition and fitness info - $4.99 (Aqua Eagle)
- Blackjack: $0.99 (Taylor Marshall)
- 15 Puzzle: Free (Janni Kovacs)
- vCrumbsFree: Find your way home with "virtual breadcrumbs" - Free version (mikagika)
- vCrumbs: $1.49
- Twee Free: Twitter client - Free version (Delicious Morsel)
- Twee: Full-featured twitter client - $2.99
- Tiny Twitter: Twitter Client, ported from Windows Mobile - $1.99 (Tiny Byte Software)
- GoodMuslim: Free (Xivix Software)
- Jobr: Job search app - Free (WebFusion5)
- FlashCards Lite: Flash cards - Free version (James Harris)
- FlashCards: Full featured flash card app - $6.99
- Calql8 Tips: Tip calculator - Free (Calql8)
- Trivia: Test your knowledge - $4.99 (Europa Pictures)
- Bible Trivia: Test your Bible knowledge - $5.99 (Europa Pictures)
- Blocked: $1.99 (Brandon VanBelle)
- Tally Counter: For counting things as they pass - $0.99 (InspiringApps)
- Timebits: Time tracker - $4.99 (
- Conmigo: Find exercise partners - $5.99 (ConmigoLife)
- Stopwatch / Timer: $0.99 (6 Crackers Software)
- Blocks: Classic traffic game w/ 100 puzzles - $2.99 (Den Falske Zebra)
PreThinking also has the scoop on other recent apps, along with prices. For those on a downloading spree and pushing the app storage limit of their Pre, which of the new apps are your favorite so far?
In addition, Palm Infocenter notes that with Palm picking up the pace on getting new apps into the Catalog, an official PalmNewApps feed has been started to keep up with all the latest in the App Catalog. This is a good alternative to the online index that Palm started this week, which only seems to contain a subset of the available apps. Homebrew fans are also not left in the dark, with an Apps4WebOS feed also covering new homebrew apps.
Saturday, 24 October 2009